November 21, 2017

What is your position at Swell-o-Phonic/

The t-shirt folding coach or "stick me wherever you need me" guy. Pimp Your Life expert. Aspiring model even though Alex currently holds that position.

What's your favorite thing about working here?

Our Swell-o-Parties, even though we've only had three.

What's your least favorite?

The shoe boxes - pretty much the fact that they exist. I absolutely hate shoe boxes so much.

Before working at Swell-o-Phonic/, what was the most unusual or interesting job you've ever had?

This one time I was sitting in Sal and Mookie's restaurant and this guy came in and was talking to me and my roommate, who happened to be the bartender at the time. He was talking about how he works with rappers and was filming a music video and needed a band or musicians and me and my roommate spoke up and told him we were musicians so he told us to meet him Saturday evening downtown at an old warehouse. Joe, JD, and I went down and filmed this music video for some rapper and got offered a touring spot as the touring band and we had to remind them several times that we didn't actually know the music and that we weren't actually playing and were just pretending to play along to the track.

Also in high school, I was a prep cook for a country club restaurant in California that owned the golf course in that one scene in Space Jam where he gets sucked into the hole (SPOILER ALERT).

What's your most embarrassing moment at work?

When I was on a hoverboard and I took out an island of shoe boxes (there they go again).

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Peter Pan. I never want to grow up.

Complete this sentence: When I'm not at work I can be found:

Getting my tan on at Belhaven Beach. Just me in the mud pit with a lawn chair. 

How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet?

Probably four years. Some maroon authentic Vans. 

If you were an animal, what would you be?

A lion. Duh.

What, or who, are you a "closet" fan of?

Oh my goodness, so many people. I'm a huge Katy Perry fan but that isn't a secret. Also, Smash Mouth. Huge Smash Mouth fan. Pretty big Kevin Bacon fan - I love the Baconator.

If you had to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Mac and cheese with hot dogs and baked beans. That's a solid meal right there.

What book did you read last?

The last book I read was actually The Celestine Prophecy. ("Can you tell me anything about it?" "No, that's how it was introduced to me. When I asked if they could tell me anything they just said 'no, just read it'")

Tell an interesting fact about yourself.

When I was younger I used to hang out with my mom all the time and help her make bouquets and other interior design items. That's probably why I'm so good at domestic beauties. I'm also an exquisite dancer. I can do that scene from Dirty Dancing.

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