On Halloween this year – SWELL-O-PHONIC will be scaring the online and corporate competition by dropping prices on all skateboard hard goods ! (both in-store and on
Yep, that's what we just said. Decks, trucks, wheels and various hard goods will cost you less going forward.
First – We made a commitment to skateboarding since the beginning in 1998 and we want to take that support to the next level.
Second – As a local skate shop we are no stranger to national or online competition. Local shops help build the scene and corporate posers show up just to profit and do nothing for the community. We can never compete with their buying power, but we can stick it to them by dropping prices. As a diversified indie shop, we are not dependent on profits from skate sales. Therefore, we can offer skate goods and services as a means to support the culture that has inspired us for over 30 years.

Come out to our OUTSIDERS event ON SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10TH for an afternoon skate jam and contest in front of the shop – Swell-o-phonic will be open with holiday sales, Foodtrucks, prices from our skate brands and music from 1-5.